Frequently Asked Questions


Can you draw parallels between TaskMaster, MacProject and AEC Information Manager?


MacProject is "quick and dirty" tool for laying out project timelines and critical path. MacProject graphics are horrible and the spreadsheet is not functional in read only state. In spite of it's deficiencies, MacProject imparted knowledge to the process of managing projects by computer.

AEC Information Manager was a project organizer. Everything was integrated (e.g. notes, chart, resources, etc...) into one application. It's strength was the ability to roll-out REPORTS (i.e. Exec. Summary, Gannt, Notes, etc...) on multiple projects by hitting a button. AEC Information Manager lacked both the spreadsheet functionality and Schedule dependencies of MacProject. Resources? Limited facts only.

TaskMaster builds on the MacProject approach of imparting knowledge to the project management process. TaskMaster improves on AEC Information Manager charting. It's designed as a general purpose tool as opposed to AEC Information Manager's custom work environment. AEC Information Manager definitely affects the way you work. TaskMaster is unobtrusive. Integrating back into the project management process spreadsheet and resource functionality is TaskMaster's product strength.

Finally, an overall evaluation. MacProject is utilized as a planning, modeling and project management tool. It's strength is before and during project implementation.

AEC Information Manager is good at tracking and reporting projects. Since many projects are bid, planning and modeling tools were non-existent and as such a useless tool during planning and modeling " what-if" scenarios. It's strength became apparent at project completion when AEC Information Manager provided change order logs, weekly recaps, executive summary and progress charts! AEC Information Manager was better at project documentation than it was project management.

TaskMaster offers tools which aide in project planning (resource leveling and spreadsheet) while also providing progress documentation. It's lack of a dependency interface and critical path charting weaken its functionality for "what-if", scheduling, and sequence planning, though. TaskMaster's brings the core functionality of project management together in one application. The fact that you can use TaskMaster as a utility app is nice to see. The learning curve with TaskMaster is considerably flatter than AEC Information Manager.

Valid for 1.5

Valid for 1.6

Valid for 1.7

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