Frequently Asked Questions


My original Improv file has fonts set to Stone Sans. I saved it as an imx. file. When I opened it in Quantrix everything that was set to Stone Sans was set to Symbol.


The problem is with the .imx format. When writing the font info, Improv abbreviates the font names to something which doesn't necessarily uniquely identify the font. For example, Stone Sans was written out as "SS1" and Helvetica as "H1". It appears that the current filter thought "SS1" was Symbol (maybe Symbol gets written out as "SS1" as well).

The font conversion is only guaranteed to work with fonts that ship with NEXTSTEP (Helvetica, Times, Courier, Ohlfs, and Symbol, or RyuuminTimes and GothicHelvetica on Kanji systems). There is no way to map abbreviations like "SS" to an actual font name because we don't have access to the list of fonts on the system, and there could be several that start with SS.

Valid for 1.0

Valid for 2.0

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