What changes were made in version 2.1 of Quantrix?
Quantrix 2.1 includes significant improvements, such as:
Intertable Referencing: Formulas that make cross table references now yield the entire content of the referenced items, rather than simply their first element.
Load Optimization: File loading has been significantly optimizedÐusers should experience a more than three-fold reduction in the time it takes to open large (>500K) files.
On-Line Help: On-line help has been added for all functions available through the Quantrix Function Browser.
Group Permissions: Users in large networked environments can now more readily share filesÐchanges to file permissions made in the Workspace will be maintained by the application independent of the user's personal permission profile.
Statistical Functions: Statistical functions now yield results consistent with Lotus Development Corporation's Improv for Windowsä.
Additional Minor Changes: Several additional performance enhancements were made to this release.