Frequently Asked Questions
What new features were added to Quantrix 1.1?
- Hide/Show (Items or Groups): adds hiding of items. It allows the user to select a range of items and their associated cells and then choose a menu item to hide the selected items.
- Mark Cells / Mark Formula: provides a means for finding which formulas compute the value for a given cell or which cells are computed by a given formula.
- Improved Import .imx formatting: New importing functionality includes importing more than 1 view, importing some View arrangement info, such as which categories are on which axes, and some formatting such as number and date formats.
- Sorting: Allows the user to reorder a range of items in a category based on the values in certain cells or based on the name of the item. The resulting sort could be in ascending or descending order, case-sensitive or -insensitive, as determined by the user.
- Sum - Summary: 1.0 behavior of summary is to filter all cells that are sums (averages, etc) along any axes, making it very difficult to generate totals of totals. 1.1 behavior is to have summary filter only cells that are sums (averages, etc.) along the same axes as the ranges in the summary function.
- Copy as Graphic: Copy a selection and all of its labels from the x and y axis to the PostScript pasteboard.
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