Frequently Asked Questions


Why do I get this message: "Cannot find /Homes/username/Presentation_Template.diagram for opening" when I start the application? The file named in the error message does not exist.


The program crashes when I launch it.


Using the Preferences panel, found in the Info menu, you can make a selected template the default setting that applies to every document created in Diagram! The problem is that at one point you had set a default template file that no longer exists. Choose Preferences from the Info menu and uncheck the box that says "New Documents From Template:". This should clear up the problem.

If Diagram! crashes on launch due to this problem, try bringing up a Terminal window and typing:

dremove Diagram TemplateFile <fullpathname of file>

for instance, on my machine,

pigeon> dremove Diagram TemplateFile /tmp/linktest.diagram2

You can check the dwrites with the "dread -l" command.

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