I never seem to be able to get a square to align on the grid exactly. There is always a small space remaining, which means I cannot 2 blocks to share one edge without there being a small space between them. Is there any rationale for that? Is there any workaround?
The small space remaining you describe has to do with how we implemented the grid in version 2. We are debating which implementation is better, and we welcome comments. Meantime, there are two workarounds.
1) (short and easy): Turn Snap to grid off, select one of the squares, and use the arrow keys (on the keyboard) to move the object one pixel. This will line up the edges.
2) (more complicated): Go into Format -> Page Layout and change the "Units" to "Points". This will make it easier for us to identify position. Now, let's say you have my grid set at 5 points. (You can set the spacing in Arrange -> Grid -> Grid Panel). This means all of the boxes that you draw will have width, height, X coordinates, and Y coordinates that are multiples of 5. (You can see this in the Position Inspector). Now if you wanted to make a matrix of boxes you could take a 50 point wide box, change it's width to 51 points, do a Copy and Paste and drag over so it's edge lines up with the original. Now you can have several boxes whose edges line up perfectly. You can extend this concept to the height of the boxes.
Valid for 2.x