Frequently Asked Questions


When I tried to align a series of numbers below a series of small boxes, the numbers on the printed page did not line up with the boxes, although the alignment was perfect on the screen.


How come when I close and reopen a file, the alignment is all altered?


The alignment is OK, it's just displaying differently at 100%. Zoom out to a non-standard level other than 100% (e.g. 103%). Now line up your text. The alignment will now extend to the printed page.

The reason has to do with font's bitmap versus the font outline. The application displays a bitmap, a representation of the font which is easier to view on screen, at 100%. If you zoom out the application will use the outline format instead, which is what appears on the printed page. You should be able to zoom back to 100% and be okay because the application will store the outline representation from then out.

This is a problem with the way NEXTSTEP displays text on the screen, and it's beyond our control. We've tried to tell them it's a problem for our users, but they don't see it that way.

Valid for 2.x

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