Concurrence Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I extract the Speaker's Notes out of a Slide show?


If you want to write a script to extract speaker's notes out into an rtf file, this is what you need to do:

1. Find all the speaker notes data in the .txtconcur file inside our .concur file wrapper. The speaker notes data should be a value-attribute pair like this:

speakerNotes = "{\\rtf0\\ansi{\\fonttbl\\f0\\fswiss Helvetica;}\n\\margl40\n\\margr40\n{\\colortbl;\\red72\\green255\\blue138;}\n\\pard\\tx520\\tx1060\\tx1600\\tx2120\\tx2660\\tx3200\\tx3720\\tx4260\\tx4800\\tx5320\\f0\\b0\\i0\\ulnone\\fs24\\fc0\\cf0 To be or \n\\b not\n\\b0 to be \n\\i that\n\\i0 is \n\\gray734\\fc1\\cf1 the\n\\gray0\\fc0\\cf0 question\n}\n";

2. Everything inside of the quotes is the rtf text for that one speaker note.

3. You have to replace all the \\ with \, and \n with a real return.

4. You can then put the converted text into a file, and give it an .rtf extension. You can then open the file in Editt.

You might want to write a script to do this.

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